Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sometimes I am a dope...

So, I'm gonna try my hand at this blogger thing again. just random thoughts and ideas from a cracker like me. might post some pics or whatever but we will have to see where it goes from here.

So sometimes, when something great and wonderful and beautiful and amazing and pretty much anything and everything you could ever ask for is staring you in the face, there is just something right over her head that has your attention. This is what I like to call the "I'm an idiot" moment, when the one chance you have to make things great goes south. I am the master of this moment, no joke. I am the reason this moment exist! don't get me wrong, I'm not a horrible human being, but I seem to say or do the most wrong thing at the most wrong time, a lot!

That said, I would like to point out that I am the most blessed man on God's green earth because God himself smiled down upon me and decided I get the one woman that will keep me in check more than ANY OTHER WOMAN! and boy He made her great. She gets mad or upset when I do the littlest things possible. like when I promise to clean the kitchen for 2 weeks straight or take out the garbage every night for a week, *but hunny, I will in a sec!* or say "babe, I'll clean out the car tomorrow, Promise! *wink*. and the thing is I mean it! every stinkin' word! but the my gadgets call me, my droid phone, my beautiful iPod touch 4, and the creme de la creme, by glorious PS3. and I'm toast. and then I get upset when the night is over and i havent moved and she is giving me the stink eye. thing is... if it werent for God blessing me with my Lauren i would be a lazy bum living off my parents for as long as the ride would last. But, with all I do (or, don't do) her love stays just as amazing and true as before I hurt her with my empty promise.

So, now i'm sitting here with a fractured foot while my wife is at krogers getting my meds when all she wants to do is be home to make sure I'M OK, really?? she props my feet up, cuts my toe nails (YUK!) gets me drinks, pampers my every needs, and some how I STILL manage to hurt her feelings. She is acting like I'm the star basketball player and nursing me to heath with all she has and I have my "I'm an idiot" moment. this women never ceases to amaze me! I am the lucky one here and I just hope that my "moments" go away and I can let her know just how greatful I really am!

Lauren, I am sorry for being a moron and not noticing my stupid choices and I want you to know that I love you and am so undeserving of your wonderful love for me. God went above and beyond when he made you and I will thank him for your love every day. I'm sorry my crap gets in my way, it is childish and completely foolish of me. Please forgive me and pray with me that I will make a change for the better for both of us. I love you with all my soul and you are the most amazing woman i've ever known. Thank you for being who God called you to be. I love you!


  1. You make me laugh... I love you, and I accept your apology, =)

  2. I think I may refer to this blog in the midst of 'your moments' =)
